Site dedicated to Blessed Eugenie Joubert

"28 years smiling"

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Pilgrimages to Eugénie's tomb

At the end of October, while he was in Liège for the French-speaking Christian forum, the President of the French Bishops’ Conference, Mons. Eric de Moulins Beaufort, Archbishop of Reims, went to meditate in the chapel dedicated to Blessed Eugénie Joubert in the church of Saint-Gilles. He was accompanied by Mons. Etienne Vetö, his auxiliary, and Mons. Jean-Pierre Delville, Bishop of Liège. As this liturgical year comes to an end, they prayed before the relics of Blessed Eugénie Joubert in the church of Saint-Gilles in Liège.

Other pilgrimages took place over the summer:

  • Vietnamese sisters from the Congregation of the Lovers of the Cross, present in the diocese of Liège, came to visit and pray Eugénie Joubert;
  • a group of 62 pilgrims from the North of France stopped off at Saint-Gilles to pray the Blessed, after visiting the Sanctuary of Notre-Dame de Banneux, 20 kilometres away from Saint-Gilles. The Virgin of the poor! The catechist of the poor!
  • a group of young pilgrims visiting Liège wanted to meditate in the chapel of Blessed Eugénie.

Published on 10 November 2024

A tribute letter

Damien de Laminne de Bex, Lieutenant for Belgium of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, looks back at the ceremony for the translation of the relics on 30 June 2024. He and several other Knights of the Order honoured the occasion with their presence and participation.
‘Having carried her on my shoulders, having felt the weight of her relics as a call to greater humility and abandonment (…) did not leave me indifferent’, the letter reads.
This letter bears witness to the emotional day of Sunday 30 June.
Click HERE to read the letter.

Published on 28 August 2024

Follow tributes to Blessed Eugénie Joubert on social networks

Every 2 July, on the feast of Blessed Eugénie Joubert, the dioceses of Liège and Namur in Belgium, as well as Le Puy-en-Velay in France, and the Missionaries of Divine Revelation (Rome) celebrate Blessed Eugénie Joubert.

Every year at Lourdes in august, pilgrims from the diocese of Liège pray for Blessed Eugenie Joubert :

  • In 2023, a mass was presided over by Monsignor Delville, Bishop of Liège, in the presence of pilgrims and members of the Association of Friends of Blessed Eugenie Joubert.
  • In 2024, during the opening Mass presided over by Bishop Delville, a prayer intention was addressed to Eugénie:
    ‘Love Mary, love her always and even more’, said Blessed Eugénie Joubert with conviction. With Eugénie, let us pray to Mary to give each pilgrim the opportunity to be in turn an apostle of the transmission of the faith’.

Find out more about these moments of communion in honour of Blessed Eugénie Joubert on our facebook page (in French): Friends of Blessed Eugénie Joubert

Published on 28 August 2024

9 octobre 2023 : Reconnaissance canonique de l'association "Les Amis de la Bienheureuse Eugénie Joubert"

Monseigneur Jean-Pierre Delville, Évêque de Liège, a signé le 9 octobre 2023 un décret qui reconnait en Association privée de fidèles, au sens des canons 298 à 311 et 321 à 326 du Code de Droit canonique, l’association “Les Amis de la Bienheureuse Eugénie Joubert” (association loi de 1901). Cette dernière devient donc, avec le Diocèse de Liège, Acteur de la cause en canonisation de la Bienheureuse. Ce process s’insère dans la vocation de l’association d’une valorisation culturelle et artistique du souvenir de la Bienheureuse. L’animation culturelle ne peut pas être séparée de sa dimension spirituelle. 

Accéder au texte du décret

Par ailleurs, désormais l’Association est représentée par le symbole, figurant sur le décret, qui figure l’unité du Sacré-Coeur de Jésus et du Saint-Coeur de Marie indiquée dans la Prière d’action de grâce à la Bienheureuse Eugénie Joubert (imprimatur Mgr. Delville). 


Publié le 25 octobre 2023

Programme complet de la célébration

du 30ème anniversaire de la béatification de Soeur Eugénie Joubert

du 15 au 24 novembre 2024 à Yssingeaux

Article paru dans le magazine l’épervier de novembre 2023