Site dedicated to Blessed Eugenie Joubert

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Eugenie Joubert as a nun

Blessed Eugénie Joubert, of the Holy Family of the Sacred Heart, was born in Yssingeaux (Haute-Loire) on 11 February 1876; she died in Liège (Belgium) on 2 July 1904 where she is buried in a private Chapel in the Church of Saint-Gilles.

She was beatified in Rome by Pope John Paul II on 20 November 1994: “Sister Eugénie Joubert teaches us to live holiness every day by reminding us that this is our vocation. She is an example for every catechist“. (excerpt from homily, Saint John Paul II).

The Catholic Church celebrates her on 2 July.


to Blessed Eugenie Joubert

With the imprimatur of Mgr Delville,

Bishop of Liège.

Those who receives graces can make them known to:

Le christ est ressuscité ! ALLELUIA !

La Bienheureuse Eugénie Joubert aimait transmettre la foi de l’Église. Avec elle, soyons catéchistes !

Eugénie jeune fille

Eugenie Joubert as a Child

“Passionate about evangelising poor children from de-Christianised backgrounds… she excelled in this mission, and quickly touched the hearts of these children who were left to their own devices, barely schooled and rowdy.

They, the “untouchables”, let themselves be tamed by the one they called their “little sister”: they knew she loved them. They saw in her the embodiment of the faith she passed on to them.

(Extracts from the preface to the book “Eugénie Joubert, une force d’âme”)

Eugénie et les enfants

Eugenie Joubert, young girl catechist

(her life was dedicated to the catechesis of the very young children)

Sister Eugénie Joubert studied Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Fathers of the Church. On several occasions, she followed the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, loving to place herself in the intimacy of the Holy Family.

Eugénie malade

Eugenie Joubert ill

She died at the age of 28 saying the name of Jesus several times, her lips on a crucifix.

Article paru dans le magazine l’épervier de novembre 2023